Art Loop is an art studio, dedicated to quality art education for ages between 2.5-18 years, and even adults! We believe art is a creative process, not a final product. Children should be given freedom to think creatively and choose how they would like to create, while being guided by necessary art techniques and knowledge of relevant art history. Join our fun all-rounded art classes to inspire creative thinking and develop visual literacy. Apart from painting, we explore the use of different mediums, such as ceramics, mixed media and photography!
From 15 Aug 2023 to 31 Aug 2023, each student who sign up for a full term enrollment in Sep-Oct Term with friends can enjoy 10%OFF!
Art Loop 是一家藝術工作室,致力為 2.5-18 歲學童提供優質的藝術教育,另設有成人課程! 我們相信藝術是一個創造的過程,而不是單單一件藝術作品。 除了介紹必要的藝術技巧和相關藝術史知識,我們亦給予兒童創造性思考和選擇他們喜歡的創作方式的自由。 加入我們有趣的全方位藝術課程,激發創意思維,培養觀察力。 除了繪畫,我們還探索不同媒介的使用,例如陶瓷、混合媒體和攝影等等!
The promotion is subject to the relevant terms and conditions. 優惠須受相關條款及細則約束。